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Jamie Crone
Not sure what I am doing wrong. I downloaded the zip file. I use postgres on other projects. I went through the installation process. 
When I run the server I get this error 
FATAL: database "jumpstart_development" does not exist
John Chambers
Sounds like you haven't run your DB migrations.

You need to do a few things to get it setup properly.
Think it's all in this video https://jumpstartrails.com/docs/installation
Jamie Crone
I kept trying to migrate and was getting the same error in the terminal.
I did get it work, I had to run
rails db:create:all
Didn't see this in the installation, or maybe I just had this issue. Thanks for getting back
Richard Steinmetz
I've read the docs and watched the Getting Started video but I also had to run a few more steps before errors where gone and I could see the configuration screen:

inside `psql`:


inside `bash`:

rails db:create:all
rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
rails s

A quick follow-up for any other people who stumbled on this problem.
Indeed, the installation video does not mention all that.

What worked for me is to run these commands after the bundle and yarn commands:
rails db:create # no need to add the ':all', this already creates the required databases 'development' and 'test'
rails db:migrate # if you run this locally on your computer, you already are in development, so adding the 'RAILS_ENV=development' produces the same result

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