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Active Text Attachments (Images/Video) display in carousel

Tim Dowling
The heading says it all, any clues on where I can plug a carousel in (got one working) to display images and/or video in a carousel? Now multiple images just display as a tile
Tim Dowling
Ok maybe what im actually after is a little more clarity on how the _blob partial works? If I upload multiple images in an action text field, does rails upload these as one attachment or separate attachments? Is there somewhere in that loops through the attachments and renders the _blob partial I'm missing? any pointing in the right direction would be great...
Chris Oliver
ActionText handles all that internally in their helper. You can read through this and get an understanding of how it works. Basically it's just looking for all the attachments and then looking up the model with a Signed GlobalID and rendering the associated partial for it.

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