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MultiAccount : Deleting an "Account" : View -> Edit -> Delete : Errors Out (Either Current or Other)

Donal O Duibhir
When in the GUI and as the owner, trying to delete an Account (even when not switched to the current_account).. the delete action to https://localapp.pansift.com/accounts/11/members/16/edit results in:

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in AccountUsersController#edit

Couldn't find Account with 'id'=11 [WHERE "account_users"."user_id" = $1]

Extracted source (around line #40):  
  def set_account
    @account = current_user.accounts.find(params[:account_id])

This happens whether current_account is the one being deleted or not. Originally I thought I was trying to delete the account but then realised it is trying to delete the account_user only and erroring...

It attempts to remove the account_user but does not remove the account. The above error can be fixed by editing the AccountsUsersController DELETE method to redirect to the accounts_path rather than the @account path which tried to invoke set_account ...


  # DELETE /account_users/1
  def destroy
    redirect_to @account, notice: t(".destroyed")


  # DELETE /account_users/1
  def destroy
    redirect_to accounts_path, notice: t(".destroyed")

as the set_account method can not set the @account as current_user does not now have the association listed?

What am I missing? It still feels like it leaves spurious orphaned accounts lying around? Should there be a depenedent_destroy if no other account_users?
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