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12 year old Firefox bug widely affecting Rails apps - add "autocomplete" => "off" to all form hidden_field

This bug in Firefox will have you pulling your hair out.... hidden form fields somewhat randomly corrupted with a long string that looks liek some kind of hash. Goodbye data integrity.

TL;DR Firefox randomly but frequently corrupts a first hidden_field in forms. The fix seems to be to have "autocomplete" => "off" for ALL hidden_fields

Raised 12 years ago, closed without any action, reopened about a year ago

Raised May '20 on Ruby forum:
In my routes.rb I added a "post" route for switch to mitigate the Forefox bug until it is fixed (but it's been 12 years so Mozilla ain't in a rush).

  resources :accounts do
    member do
      patch :switch
      post :switch ##### ADDED #####
      delete :remove_avatar

Here is an example of Firefox "breaking" JSP's "switch accounts" feature by corrupting the value of the Rails-added hidden field "_method=patch" so Rails throws exception "ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [POST] "/accounts/xxxxx/switch")" since there is no default "post" route

Same form, same user, two browsers, Firefox (corrupted) on left, Chrome on the right.

sidebyside.jpg 102 KB
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