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Time to Update Docs?

Scott Wright
I started a new project based on JSP and had a few issues with installation. I watched your screencasts because it had been so long since I started a JSP project.

I had several issues - maybe because I missed a crucial step in the screencast, or maybe because the screencast skipped over something. To make the project more maintainable and installation less error prone, I recommend having install instructions as part of the readme.

Here are some issues I had during installation: (If I missed something LMK)
  1. I was never instructed to run rails db:setup to create the databases
  2. References to GitLab are confusing because the repo has been moved to GitHub
  3. When I clone the GitHub repo and create my own private repo, the actions are enabled by default. This potentially costs me money and would ideally be pointed out along with steps to prevent the actions from running
  4. Gems added via options (like Sidekiq and Sentry) are added to the Jumpstart Gemfile with single quotes instead of double - which violates standardrb style which causes the GitHub action to fail
  5. Overcommit is added but there is no mention that it needs to be installed - therefore style errors like mentioned above are not caught and fixed in the pre-commit hook

Probably more issues since I'm going from memory and I did not take notes while installing. I'd be happy to create an install checklist or notes for the readme if you like this idea.
Jeremiah Parrack
1) Somewhere in the docs it says run /bin/setup  which contains the db:setup

2) what i did was download the code from gitlab and make a github repo from that.

3) the actions do not cost money 

4) good point but you can run  `bundle exec standardrb --fix`

Raphael Schiller
The installation instructions have been there, I don't see them anymore as well.
Scott Wright
Perhaps I was not clear. I am not stuck - I got through everything just fine, I was merely pointing out some specific issues I had and suggesting that the documentation be updated to address these issues.

Jeremiah Parrack - maybe I'm misinterpreting your post, but it feels like you were saying "Your points are invalid because..." If I have misinterpreted your post, please forgive me.

I apologize if my point was not clear. Let me try and be more succinct:
I stumbled in a few places attempting to install a new instance of JSP. I would have benefited from installation instructions that were more clear and I think others would benefit as well. I am happy to put my time where my mouth is and contribute to such an effort if others, especially Chris Oliver , believe this would be beneficial.
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