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Problems with Paypal option with BrainTree

So I'm trying braintree out for the first time in years, the "pay with card" option works as expected but when I go to the paypal option the modal pops, closes, and errors out.
parent.js:168 A boolean is being passed as a fourth parameter to window.open. This is not used and may cause an exception in a future release.
window.open @ parent.js:168
api.sandbox.braintreegateway.com/merchants/6gkmds7phmh77z7g/client_api/v1/paypal_hermes/setup_billing_agreement:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 422 ()
logger.js:63 ppxo_no_token_passed_to_payment Object
L @ logger.js:63
logger.js:63 ppxo_unhandled_error Object
L @ logger.js:63
exceptions.js:22 Uncaught Error: No value passed to payment
    at component.jsx:450
    at e.o.dispatch (promise.js:171)
    at e.o.resolve (promise.js:97)
    at promise.js:44
    at Object.w.<computed> [as postrobot_message_response] (types.js:121)
    at L (index.js:114)
    at _ (index.js:140)

I'm certain that I'm forgetting something obvious, and was hoping one of you could point out where I'm goofing
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