A Couple Of Questions For Clarification....
Getting started with Jumpstart Pro and things are looking good so far but am confused on a few things:
- Using stripe do I need the CLI if the site is publicly addressable with correct firewall for ports etc.
- I have changed the port number in the proc.dev file to 3000 (a number of historic reasons) will letter_opener work? It looks like it is also on port 3000 but I am not really seeing any errors - but also not seeing any emails.
Thanks in advance!
Andrew Galewsky
1. Stripe CLI is an easy way to get webhooks to your local Rails app without exposing your dev environment to the public internet. You don't have to use it if your dev app is available on the internet. Sometimes people use ngrok or localtunnel to do that.
2. Yep, 3000 works just fine. Make sure you've got the mailers queue running if you have enabled background workers. I think we only enable that by default for Sidekiq right now.
2. Yep, 3000 works just fine. Make sure you've got the mailers queue running if you have enabled background workers. I think we only enable that by default for Sidekiq right now.
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