ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [POST] "/pay/webhooks/stripe")
I am trying to setup subscription in my Jumpstart app, but it looks like the Pay gem is having an issue that's resulting no Pay::Charge getting created, so no payments are getting recorded in the db.
I am seeing this error in the log: `ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [POST] "/pay/webhooks/stripe"):`. That's probably the reason no Pay::Charge is getting created.
I checked rails routes and I am seeing pay related routes:
I am seeing this error in the log: `ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [POST] "/pay/webhooks/stripe"):`. That's probably the reason no Pay::Charge is getting created.
I checked rails routes and I am seeing pay related routes:
Routes for Pay::Engine: payment GET /payments/:id(.:format) pay/payments#show webhooks_stripe POST /webhooks/stripe(.:format) stripe_event/webhook#event webhooks_braintree POST /webhooks/braintree(.:format) pay/webhooks/braintree#create
If anyone has any hint, I really appreciate the help.
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