Adding own subdomains in routes.rb
Is there something special I need to do for subdomain routing?
The product I'm working on has two special landing pages, one for military and one for civilian:
I've tried following the rails routing docs as follows:
The product I'm working on has two special landing pages, one for military and one for civilian:
I've tried following the rails routing docs as follows:
get '/', to: 'static#mil', constraints: {subdomain: 'mil'}
In the console I don't even see the subdomain in the request:
22:19:42 web.1 | Started GET "/" for ::1 at 2020-05-07 22:19:42 -1000
JP Whitaker
I was able to change things around using subdomains internally to use something like this
I was able to change things around using subdomains internally to use something like this
class MarketingSite def self.matches?(request) request.subdomain.blank? || request.subdomain == 'www' end end class App def self.matches?(request) request.subdomain.present? && request.subdomain == 'app' end end
Add that to the top of the routes file then the remaning stuff i have like this
Rails.application.routes.draw do # Jumpstart views if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? mount Jumpstart::Engine, at: "/jumpstart" mount LetterOpenerWeb::Engine, at: "/letter_opener" end constraints(MarketingSite) do root to: "static#index" draw :static devise_scope :user do root to: 'users/registrations#new', as: 'new_user_registation' end end unauthenticated :user do constraints(App) do devise_scope :user do root to: 'users/sessions#new', as: '' end end end constraints(App) do # Administrate authenticated :user, lambda { |u| u.admin? } do namespace :admin do if defined?(Sidekiq) require "sidekiq/web" mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq" end resources :announcements resources :users namespace :user do resources :connected_accounts end resources :accounts resources :account_users resources :plans namespace :pay do resources :charges resources :subscriptions end root to: "dashboard#show" end end devise_for :user, controllers: { masquerades: "jumpstart/masquerades", omniauth_callbacks: "users/omniauth_callbacks", registrations: "users/registrations" } resources :announcements, only: [:index] resources :api_tokens resources :accounts do member do patch :switch end resources :account_users, path: :members resources :account_invitations, path: :invitations, module: :accounts end resources :account_invitations # Payments resource :card resource :subscription do patch :info patch :resume end resources :charges namespace :account do resource :password end namespace :users do resources :mentions, only: [:index] end namespace :user, module: :users do resources :connected_accounts end resources :embeds, only: [:create], constraints: {id: /[^\/]+/} do collection do get :patterns end end root 'dashboard#show', as: :subdomain_root, only: [:show] end match "/404", via: :all, to: "errors#not_found" match "/500", via: :all, to: "errors#internal_server_error" end
Doing it this way I have it to where I have my main site (marketing) that will just be on but when they want to sign in or sign up it will go to
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