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bin/rails test:system fails for Stripe

Seeing the following error for multiple Stripe system tests:
Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find css "[data-stripe-target=\"card\"] > div > iframe"
    test/support/system/stripe.rb:40:in `block in find_frame'
    test/support/system/stripe.rb:39:in `find_frame'
    test/support/system/stripe.rb:5:in `fill_stripe_elements'
    test/system/stripe_test.rb:118:in `block in <class:StripeTest>'

rails test test/system/stripe_test.rb:115
They've updated the css attributes in iframe?
Still having issue with this.
John Ellis
I was having this problem too, and it turns out I needed to add my Stripe test publishable_key to my test environment credentials:

bin/rails credentials:edit --environment test

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