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Deploying to Render.com

Garrison Snelling
Render just released their free plans after their most recent raise. Does anyone in the Jumpstart community use Render for hosting?

Was curious what the level of effort was?

Also, would love a tutorial for this in the docs!
Chris Oliver
Render is about as easy as using Heroku.

Just create a Postgres and Redis database, add your RAILS_MASTER_KEY env var and you should be good to go. 
Garrison Snelling
Genius! That rails env var feature & implementation in Jumpstart is amazing I'm realizing.

I was thinking it couldn't be that simple, but... It is!
Benjamin Houy
Has anyone had success with this?

I deployed on Render and everything is working but Sidekiq doesn't start. I know the procfile for Heroku has 
worker: bundle exec sidekiq
Am I supposed to add that somewhere in Render settings?
Use a `background worker` for Sidekiq instead. 

Sample blueprint (I set up the `Redis` data store manually):
  - name: app-postgres
    databaseName: app_production
    user: app_production
    region: oregon

  - type: web
    name: app-web
    env: ruby
    region: oregon
    buildCommand: "./bin/render-build.sh"
    startCommand: "bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb"
    healthCheckPath: /healthz
      - key: DATABASE_URL
          name: app-postgres
          property: connectionString
      - key: RAILS_MASTER_KEY
        sync: false
  - type: worker
    name: app-sidekiq
    env: ruby
    region: oregon
    buildCommand: "bundle install"
    startCommand: "bundle exec sidekiq -t 25"
      - key: DATABASE_URL
          name: app-postgres
          property: connectionString
      - key: RAILS_MASTER_KEY
        sync: false
Benjamin Houy

My mistake was that I didn't realize the background worker and web service code were supposed to be identical. I deployed the code from my Jumpstart app to the background worked and it's now working :)
render.com was unreliable in our instance for some reason, so we are now using Scalingo
+1 for Scalingo. Also because they're GDPR-compliant by default, and they're about the same price than Render for our needs (which are both cheaper than Heroku).
Matthias Orgler
Is there any advantage about render.com? I use hatchbox.io, which is tightly integrated with Jumpstart Pro. I simply connect a DigitalOcean droplet and Hatchbox handles all the DB/Redis/… stuff for me. 
Peter Grillet
I've been trying to upload my app to render but, it always fails with "Exited with status 1" being the error message - Any ideas?
Colin McGowan
Have you any more information from the logs than status 1?
I have been playing with Render and have deployed a skeleton Jumpstart project to it. Setting environment variables I was unfamiliar with and took me a long time to realise what was going on but other than that it was fairly straightforward. 
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