Direct Upload - Reset
Getting a connection reset while trying to upload videos.
activestorage.js:825 PUT net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
activestorage.js:825 PUT net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
You might check your NGINX config and make sure it doesn't have client_max_body_size set too low.
We limit it to 100MB on Hatchbox so that way people aren't uploading giant files and crashing the server when the disk runs out. Typically, you want direct uploads to S3 if you are handling large files so malicious users can't take down your server uploading giant files.
We limit it to 100MB on Hatchbox so that way people aren't uploading giant files and crashing the server when the disk runs out. Typically, you want direct uploads to S3 if you are handling large files so malicious users can't take down your server uploading giant files.
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