Don't wait to get updates - lesson learned, still worth it! (217 commits 328 files +5820 -1942)
Well I waited from March 2020 until now to merge any commits from the Jumpstart branch, I finalized all branches on my side then made a new branch and ran: `git merge --no-commit --no-ff jumpstart/master`
Then I used Visual Studio Code's Git tools to assist with the conflicts, and there were a ton because I changed many things, including the teams (now accounts) model to an entirely different name. (I probably should have just renamed it for the clients, not the actual code). I also changed IDs to UUIDs, so when I take in updates I have to be careful of that. The one thing I ended up keeping was devise inevitable. I also had to move database migrations to after any of mine that were updating tables that no longer exist (accounts rename)
Seems to move faster too!
Other than that, it was worth the 4-6 hours of work to get the changes committed. I get notifications, ruby style guide, account updates, International language library, guard/live-reload, UI looks better, upgrades on the gems/node modules, and any bugs that were squashed!
Here's the Gitlab MR stats below:
Thanks for the huge improvements, additions and can't wait for more, especially the notes about Action Mailbox! I'll now set a reoccurring task to take in these changes once a week.
P.S. - I also waited to post this until I merged to my master branch and deployed to production! Definitely working great!
Then I used Visual Studio Code's Git tools to assist with the conflicts, and there were a ton because I changed many things, including the teams (now accounts) model to an entirely different name. (I probably should have just renamed it for the clients, not the actual code). I also changed IDs to UUIDs, so when I take in updates I have to be careful of that. The one thing I ended up keeping was devise inevitable. I also had to move database migrations to after any of mine that were updating tables that no longer exist (accounts rename)
Seems to move faster too!
Other than that, it was worth the 4-6 hours of work to get the changes committed. I get notifications, ruby style guide, account updates, International language library, guard/live-reload, UI looks better, upgrades on the gems/node modules, and any bugs that were squashed!
Here's the Gitlab MR stats below:
Thanks for the huge improvements, additions and can't wait for more, especially the notes about Action Mailbox! I'll now set a reoccurring task to take in these changes once a week.
P.S. - I also waited to post this until I merged to my master branch and deployed to production! Definitely working great!
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