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Enabling source maps with Rails 6 / sprockets / esbuild

Frank Hmeidan
Hi there!

I recently got Jumpstart Pro and have been having fun building cool stuff with it, thanks for this awesome project! :)

Seem to have gotten stuck trying to enable JS source maps in development. Rails guide says all that's needed is to have `config.assets.debug = true` in `config/environments/development.rb` : https://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html#turning-source-maps-on

I'm guessing it's slightly more complicated than that since now `esbuild` is in the picture with the Jumpstart Pro template. 

Would appreciate any help you can provide! I'm trying to debug my first stimulusJS controller that's not working right, kind of difficult to debug in Chrome without source maps :)
Chris Oliver
Esbuild has a sourcemap option you can use. https://esbuild.github.io/api/#sourcemap

Basically, esbuild / tailwindcss compile everything and hand it to the asset pipeline simply for serving the files now.

Esbuild is so fast, I may enable sourcemaps by default.
Frank Hmeidan
Chris Oliver Thanks for the reply! 

I have added the `sourcemap` option to the esbuild config file, it's completely default except for that line. here's what I've got:

const path = require('path')
const rails = require('esbuild-rails')

const watch = process.argv.includes("--watch") && {
  onRebuild(error) {
    if (error) console.error("[watch] build failed", error);
    else console.log("[watch] build finished");

  entryPoints: ["application.js", "administrate.js"],
  bundle: true,
  outdir: path.join(process.cwd(), "app/assets/builds"),
  absWorkingDir: path.join(process.cwd(), "app/javascript"),
  watch: watch,
  sourcemap: 'both',
  plugins: [rails()],
}).catch(() => process.exit(1));

Unfortunately, I still don't see the individual `.js` source mapped files in Chrome dev tools. I've made sure I turned on source maps support in the dev tools options. On other projects, I was able to use Command + P in chrome dev tools to open the same named file that I would have in my filesystem (e.g. `jobs_controller.js`) and it would open the source mapped file to allow breakpoints, step through debugging etc.. The below is all I see right now:

Screen Shot 2021-12-17 at 1.01.40 PM.png 54.7 KB

Appreciate your help on this! Sorry if this is a n00b question.
Frank Hmeidan
Looks like this might be a currently known issue? DHH commented on the thread an hour ago, unsure if this is directly related to what I'm experiencing here though: https://github.com/rails/jsbundling-rails/issues/40
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