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ERD generation does not work

I am using rails_erd GEM  to generate a ER-diagram of the app with JumpstartPro template, but not success with the following errors.

fg/code$ bundle exec erd
Loading application in 'code'...
Generating entity-relationship diagram for 7 models...
Warning: Ignoring invalid model PgSearch::Document (table pg_search_documents does not exist)
Warning: Ignoring invalid association :team_members on Team (model TeamMember exists, but is not included in domain)
Warning: Ignoring invalid association :avatar_attachment on Team (model ActiveStorage::Attachment exists, but is not included in domain)
Warning: Ignoring invalid association :avatar_blob on Team (model ActiveStorage::Blob exists, but is not included in domain)
Warning: Ignoring invalid association :invited_by on User (polymorphic interface InvitedBy does not exist)
Warning: Ignoring invalid association :team_members on User (model TeamMember exists, but is not included in domain)
Warning: Ignoring invalid association :avatar_attachment on User (model ActiveStorage::Attachment exists, but is not included in domain)
Warning: Ignoring invalid association :avatar_blob on User (model ActiveStorage::Blob exists, but is not included in domain)
Warning: Ignoring invalid association :api_tokens on User (model ApiToken exists, but is not included in domain)
Warning: Ignoring invalid association :connected_accounts on User (model User::ConnectedAccount exists, but is not included in domain)
Diagram saved to 'erd.pdf'.

Any One can help ? 
Chris Oliver
Looks like a problem with the rails erd tool, not Jumpstart.

Rails erd doesn't look like it supports Rails 6 yet. https://github.com/voormedia/rails-erd/issues/322
Thanks. :-C

James Strong
:( same
James Strong
NG DAVID  Did you ever find a work around to this?
Chris Oliver
Read the GitHub issue I linked for some solutions. The last comment worked for me, but I would delete it when you're done running erd. https://github.com/voormedia/rails-erd/issues/322#issuecomment-600499120
James Strong
Thanks Chris! The above comment https://github.com/voormedia/rails-erd/issues/322#issuecomment-581829740 seemed to work for my case :)
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