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error on fresh(I think) install

william hancharek
I was using asdf as a manager of package managers (I note this because this is the only deviation I made from the beginning instructions).  

Anyways, after getting to starting up the rails server, The logs said that

Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotFound in Jumpstart::Admin#show

Showing /Users/williamhancharek/code/picky/lib/jumpstart/app/views/layouts/jumpstart/application.html.erb where line #10 raised:
The asset "application.css" is not present in the asset pipeline.
RAILS_ENV=production rails assets:precompile
fixed it, but I don't know why everything didn't just work when just running rails s which I find troubling (what did I do wrong ahah)
Chris Oliver
You need to run bin/dev so that the cssbundling and jsbundling commands can watch and build your assets.

If you only run the Rails server by itself, you won't get any asset compilation happening.
Steven Wagner
I ran into the same issues you must make sure 'bin/setup' runs correct. 
Then run 'bin/dev'.

* Note to self - always read the readme.md even if you used the code base before! 
John Quarto-vonTivadar
also you add "use a Procfile and a Procfile.dev", that way you can start/stop everything all at once.  What a time saver!
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