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Github 404 after purchasing a license

Mike Menne

Excited to jump in and start playing with jumpstart pro, but got a 404 when visiting the Github page.  Thoughts?

Also, is there any way to associate the purchase with an organization?  I authenticated with my personal account, but am buying it for my startup's Github organization.


Mike Menne
Had to check my email and join the organization.  Resolved.
Matthew Lindfield Seager
Thanks for the tip  Mike Menne , same thing happened to me!
How fast did that email arrive (I'm 10 minutes after purchase)? I've got the payment confirmation and the email from Github that a new OAuth app was added. Nothing else so far. 
Something went wrong during my checkout. It have been resolved in an email exchange.
for reference, the gitlab and github repos are mirrors.
Chris Oliver
Just added a note in the instructions to make that more clear. 👍
Robert Graff
@ Chris Oliver  How do you get an org invite to Github? I bought back in April and have been working on my app. I want to upgrade the code to get some of the new features released over the weekend. 
Dagar Davletov
Hi, Chris Oliver ! I still didn't have the invitation. Could you please take a look.
Dagar Davletov
Never mind. Found it myself on https://github.com/orgs/jumpstart-pro/invitation 
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