How do I change forgot password reset url in a multitenant app with multiple domains?
What I ended up doing was overriding
and setting the account instance variable for each Devise mailer there.class DeviseMailer < Devise::Mailer layout "customer_mailer" def confirmation_instructions(record, token, opts={}) @account = Current.account if @account.domain.present? @confirmation_link = "https://#{@account.domain}/users/confirmation?confirmation_token=#{token}" else if Rails.env.development? @confirmation_link = "http://#{@account.subdomain}{token}" else @confirmation_link = "https://#{@account.subdomain}{token}" end end opts[:from] = "" opts[:reply_to] = "" opts[:subject] = "You can override subject here." super end end
And then in the mailer views themselves, simply use the instance vars.
<h1><%= %></h1> <p><%= t('.greeting', recipient: @email) %></p> <p><%= t('.instruction') %></p> <p><a href="<%= @confirmation_link %>">Confirm my account</a></p>
A note about the registrations controller: You may experience a race condition if you try to send a mailer before the
record is saved to the database. For that you might need to call:
And then after the
record is saved you would need to manually trigger the confirmation email to send:current_user.send_confirmation_instructions
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