How to fix Sidekiq deprecation warning message
After using
to launch my app in development, I immediately get flooded with the following message:Passing the timeout as a positional argument is deprecated, it should be passed as a keyword argument: worker | redis.brpop("queue:critical", "queue:default", "queue:Users-MacBook-Pro.local", "queue:mailers", "queue:action_mailbox_incineration", "queue:action_mailbox_routing", "queue:active_storage_analysis", "queue:active_storage_purge", "queue:low", timeout: 2)(called from: /Users/user/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/sidekiq-6.5.5/lib/sidekiq/fetch.rb:49:in `block in retrieve_work')
Do I just have to downgrade the version of Redis and/or Sidekiq that I'm using or is there another way to fix this issue? Anyone else running into this issue?
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