How to include CSS from a gem?
I try to add the simple_calendar gem ( to my JSP app. But I don't know, where to put the import for the CSS of the gem.
I see several `application.[s]css` files, but none seems to be the correct one (on is in lib/jumpstart, the other in `assets/stylesheets/administrate`). The closest thing to an application.scss I could find was `assets/stylesheets/application.tailwind.css`. However, if I put the
I see several `application.[s]css` files, but none seems to be the correct one (on is in lib/jumpstart, the other in `assets/stylesheets/administrate`). The closest thing to an application.scss I could find was `assets/stylesheets/application.tailwind.css`. However, if I put the
@import "simple_calendar";
in the latter, I get:
Error: Failed to find 'simple_calendar'
Error: Failed to find 'simple_calendar'
css | in [
css | /Users/morgler/code/gix2/app/assets/stylesheets
css | ]
css | at /Users/morgler/code/gix2/node_modules/postcss-import/lib/resolve-id.js:35:13
css | at async LazyResult.runAsync (/Users/morgler/code/gix2/node_modules/tailwindcss/peers/index.js:5153:15)
css | at async rebuild (/Users/morgler/code/gix2/node_modules/tailwindcss/lib/cli.js:640:27)
css | at async /Users/morgler/code/gix2/node_modules/tailwindcss/lib/cli.js:672:21
The simple_calendar gem is definitely install and its view helpers already work. Just the styling is missing.
What am I missing? Where do I import CSS that comes with a gem?
I couldn't get this to work either and decided to go with the new Tailwind UI calendar component styling in conjunction with simple_calendar. You include the relevant styling in the index (or show) view you are using for the calendar and change the app/views/simple_calendar/_month_calendar.html.erb partial. This gives you something like the month view here: link
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