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How to use devise-guests for having users without signup in Jumpstart?

Matthias Orgler
I tried to add devise-guests, but got stuck. My goal is to allow guests (=users who didn't sign up yet) to try out the application before registering.

I added the devise-guests gem and overrode the current_user method in the ApplicationControler:

  # Support guest users everywhere
  def devise_current_user
    @devise_current_user ||= warden.authenticate(scope: :user)

  def guest_user
    guest = super
    # Create guest account if guest is new
    if guest.accounts.empty?
      account = guest.accounts.new(owner: guest, name: guest.email, personal: Jumpstart.config.personal_accounts)
      account.account_users.new(user: guest, admin: true)

  # Code from https://github.com/cbeer/devise-guests/blob/0a9c0038c5d1d8790907c3bd56cafd0e87525e15/lib/devise-guests/controllers/helpers.rb#L34
  def current_user
    if devise_current_user
      if session[:guest_user_id]
        run_callbacks :logging_in_user do
          guest_user.destroy unless send(:"skip_destroy_guest_user")
          session[:guest_user_id] = nil

It works in the sense that it creates a guest user and a personal account for them once somebody visits my app. However, this guest user can NOT access any of the routes that are behind an "authenticated" block:

  authenticated :user do
    root to: "dashboard#show", as: :user_root

It seems that "authenticated" in routes doesn't use "current_user" and so will not see the guest user. 

Is there a way to make guest-users work with Jumpstart?
Matthias Orgler
Okay, the problem is not particluarly a JSP issue. But accounts and the use of "authenticated" in the routes makes it challenging. 

I solved it without the devise-guests gem. Instead I added a warden strategy that creates a fake guest user (just like the gem would). On signup I remove the JSP default account and attach the guests account to the newly registered user instead. Seems to work so far.

If I find time, I might be able to generalize that feature and create a PR. I think, using an app WITHOUT signup is a must-have feature especially if you go with jumpstart-ios (no app store reviewer will forgive you if you make them sign up before using your app!).
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