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I think I found a bug in team_member.rb

Alain Pilon
In models/team_member.rb we have this:

  # Cast roles to/from booleans
  ROLES.each do |role|
    define_method(:"#{role}=") { |value| super ActiveRecord::Type::Boolean.new.deserialize(value) }
    define_method(:"#{role}")  { ActiveRecord::Type::Boolean.new.deserialize super() }
    define_method(:"#{role}?") { role == true }

How can role? ever return something other than false?  Unless you have a role named true ;-)

Shouldnt it be something like ?
define_method(:"#{role}?") { self.roles.fetch(role.to_s, false) }

Chris Oliver
Good find! That is absolutely a bug. It should actually be "send(role)" since in that block, role is a symbol of the role name and we actually need to ask the store for the value rather than match the symbol against "true".
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