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I18n Language, Numbers, Date / Time, Time Zones

Will MacHugh
I'm reviewing the Jumpstart code, and it looks like there is guidance on Language localization. Has there been any guidance on Date/Time formats? Number formats? Or guidance on handling Time Zone info? 


With date / times, if there was an update, where would it belong? Seems like it belongs to the user? Is the format of the date/times assumed based on a 'locale'?? Or will that generally be left us to the the client app? 

On Time Zones, we've decided to take all date/time info into our apps based on ISO 8601 with timezone offset included. Based on what I've read that poses no issue within Jumpstart. I'm trying to understand why the precision of the date/times are limited to 6. 

On numbers, we operate in India, New Zealand, Mexico and the US. We get weird number formats. (currency, mass measurements 'weights' especially with precision of numbers, etc.) Again, is the intent of Jumpstart to stay with just language localization, or is there any intent on looking at some of the other bits? 

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