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Is live_reload not working properly?

Aska Konomi
Hi. I just created a fresh installed Jumpstart app, but I couldn't get the live_reload to work.

I checked the live_reload option in the config page, the gems were installed, I restarted the server, but live_reload seemed to be not working.

The log says
css    | Rebuilding...
14:11:46 - INFO - Reloading browser: app/views/static/index.html.erb
css    | Done in 514ms.
14:11:47 - INFO - Reloading browser: /assets/application.css
But nothing happens in the browser. I tried Safari and Chrome, both not working. Is there anything I need to do manually for the live_reload to work? Thank you.

Update: the web page console complains it can't find 
I tried to add the middleware manually in environments/development.rb
config.middleware.insert_after ActionDispatch::Static, Rack::LiveReload
But it's still not working.
Dan Tappin
Did you start the app via Foreman?
Chris Oliver
We're not going to be supporting guard-livereload anymore I don't think and instead using an esbuild-based solution.
Aska Konomi
Dan Tappin  
I started the server with bin/dev, so I think it's Hivemind/Overmind.

Chris Oliver  
Thanks for the response!
In the mean time, I think I will try to use the browser extension.
Any suggestions on a possible alternative?
Dan Tappin
I am using foreman which works great until it doesn't - I find myself manually stopping and starting foreman when liveload seems to fail.  The browser just gets stuck in a very long endless reload.
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