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issue with UUIDs in Administrate gem

Eugene Cook
I went through the process of converting Jumpstart to utilize UUID's. I updated all the dashboard id's to Field::String in ATTRIBUTE_TYPES, but for some reason, Plans and Pay Subscriptions seem to completely ignore the directive and give the following error:
invalid value for Integer(): "db7b60d3-4a39-4d0a-a80e-7e9adf8ff7db"
Even more confounding, if I delete all the attributes altogether, which should remove any fields at all, the error remains. I can't seem to figure out whether there is something external to the dashboard being called or what.

Does anyone have some ideas?
Chris Oliver any insight?

James Taylor
Eugene Cook I am experiencing the same issue.  Did you find a resolution?

Nick Willever & Scott Wright  you seemed to work through the UUID conversion in the past.  Did you have / resolve these issues?

The error actually seems to occur when generating a polymorphic path:

14:24:43 web.1  |   Pay::Subscription Load (0.6ms)  SELECT "pay_subscriptions".* FROM "pay_subscriptions" ORDER BY pay_subscriptions.created_at desc LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2  [["LIMIT", 20], ["OFFSET", 0]]
14:24:43 web.1  |   ↳ app/views/admin/pay/subscriptions/_collection.html.erb:56
14:24:43 web.1  |   Pay::Customer Load (0.8ms)  SELECT "pay_customers".* FROM "pay_customers" WHERE "pay_customers"."id" = $1  [["id", "02fe9c31-b1ae-4fb6-a0d3-6d4d68f50dde"]]
14:24:43 web.1  |   ↳ app/views/admin/pay/subscriptions/_collection.html.erb:56
14:24:43 web.1  |   Rendered admin/pay/subscriptions/_collection.html.erb (Duration: 15.7ms | Allocations: 6379)
14:24:43 web.1  |   Rendered admin/pay/subscriptions/index.html.erb within layouts/admin/application (Duration: 22.3ms | Allocations: 10869)
14:24:43 web.1  |   Rendered layout layouts/admin/application.html.erb (Duration: 22.7ms | Allocations: 10957)
14:24:43 web.1  | Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 25ms (ActiveRecord: 1.5ms | Allocations: 11740)
14:24:43 web.1  | 
14:24:43 web.1  | 
14:24:43 web.1  |   
14:24:43 web.1  | ActionView::Template::Error (invalid value for Integer(): "b7379253-236e-46a4-aa5c-e41f25252ea7"):
14:24:43 web.1  |     57:       <tr class="js-table-row"
14:24:43 web.1  |     58:           tabindex="0"
14:24:43 web.1  |     59:           <% if valid_action? :show, collection_presenter.resource_name %>
14:24:43 web.1  |     60:             <%= %(role=link data-url=#{polymorphic_path([namespace, resource])}) %>
14:24:43 web.1  |     61:           <% end %>
14:24:43 web.1  |     62:           >
14:24:43 web.1  |     63:         <% collection_presenter.attributes_for(resource).each do |attribute| %>
14:24:43 web.1  |   
14:24:43 web.1  | app/views/admin/pay/subscriptions/_collection.html.erb:60
14:24:43 web.1  | app/views/admin/pay/subscriptions/_collection.html.erb:56
14:24:43 web.1  | app/views/admin/pay/subscriptions/index.html.erb:56
14:24:43 web.1  | app/controllers/administrate/application_controller.rb:16:in `index'
14:24:43 web.1  | app/controllers/admin/application_controller.rb:39:in `block in without_tenant'
14:24:43 web.1  | app/controllers/admin/application_controller.rb:38:in `without_tenant'

I'm seeing the same issue with some other administrate dashbords including: plans index and account show.
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