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Multiple currencies don't work with the current dashboard.

Holden Thomas
While the pay gem supports multiple currencies, jumpstart pro's dashboard doesn't seem to.  When I looked at the code I saw that it currently just sums up the charges which could be in any currency ` ::Pay::Charge.sum(:amount)`.  This would be fixable if there were a source for comparing exchange rates to convert charges not in USD to the appox. value.  

I've used the money and money-rails gem in the past which has features for fetching exchange rates, but I'm not sure what a good option for this would be.  My question is, is there any plan to support multiple currencies (other than just accepting them?).

Chris Oliver
Estimating exchange rates in the app won't necessarily match your payment processor's exchange rate, so right now I'd recommend just going to the payment processor dashboard. 

This was just a helpful number we added, but it's no longer as simple as just displaying a sum so we'll probably remove it.
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