Multitenancy in Jumpstart Pro: Additional user model belonging to tenant account
I have created a devise user model called Customer that belongs to a tenant account. To sign up a new customer of an account, I needed to add "authentication_keys: [:email, :account_id]" in the model class in customer.rb. This worked perfectly fine, leveraging the account_middleware.rb setup, which loads the account_id with every request.
However, for the sing in flow, things didn't work as the account_id doesn't make it to the POST request of the sessions create action.
Does anyone know how to make this work or how can i access the current_account within the devise sessions controller?
However, for the sing in flow, things didn't work as the account_id doesn't make it to the POST request of the sessions create action.
Does anyone know how to make this work or how can i access the current_account within the devise sessions controller?
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