Multitenancy with multiple Stripe accounts

1. Can each gym/studio have it's own stripe to charge their members? I know how to setup the one in jumpstart config but isn't that global for the app or can it be manipulated/scoped so each account can have its own Stripe config?

Right now, the Pay gem doesn't have any features for marketplace type payments, but you can certainly build it. We're just a wrapper on top of the Stripe gem, so you can add any code you need for marketplace type payments in yourself using the Stripe gem directly.
I would create a separate GymPlan model for the pricing models that Gyms will charge their customers, and you can use Stripe Connect to let a gym register their Stripe account with your app. Then when you create subscriptions or charges, you'll use Stripe Connect to make them. It's usually just an additional parameter passed into the
Stripe has lots of docs on how to do that:
I would create a separate GymPlan model for the pricing models that Gyms will charge their customers, and you can use Stripe Connect to let a gym register their Stripe account with your app. Then when you create subscriptions or charges, you'll use Stripe Connect to make them. It's usually just an additional parameter passed into the
method to say I want to charge this customer on behalf of this other Stripe account that the gym owns.Stripe has lots of docs on how to do that:
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