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My own mailers work but the Devise mailers don't. What could be wrong?

MIchael van Holst
I set up SES on my app and am able to send mail However, the password reset function from Devise does not work.
It seems to send the email but that never arrives.
I thought Devise would work out of the box for the Jumpstart Template.
I am missing something? A configuration?
D, [2021-10-01T02:37:37.996619 #204204] DEBUG -- : [f7231319-9b2b-462e-a6af-fb8f029964c5]   Rendering devise/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb
I, [2021-10-01T02:37:37.997718 #204204]  INFO -- : [f7231319-9b2b-462e-a6af-fb8f029964c5]   Rendered devise/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb (Duration: 1.0ms | Allocations: 219)
D, [2021-10-01T02:37:37.998392 #204204] DEBUG -- : [f7231319-9b2b-462e-a6af-fb8f029964c5] Devise::Mailer#reset_password_instructions: processed outbound mail in 3.1ms
I, [2021-10-01T02:37:38.541216 #204204]  INFO -- : [f7231319-9b2b-462e-a6af-fb8f029964c5] Delivered mail 61567471f4220_31dacda5c75649@OOF-server-1-4g.mail (542.7ms)
D, [2021-10-01T02:37:38.541353 #204204] DEBUG -- : [f7231319-9b2b-462e-a6af-fb8f029964c5] Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2021 02:37:37 +0000

Chris Oliver
It says it delivered the email successfully, so it seems to be working. 

Have to check in SES logs and make sure it didn't get blocked by them.
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