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New to jumpstart pro and adminisrate - Question on routing

Christopher Stewart
Jumpstart pro has been very easy to install and get up and running so far. Administrate has been another matter. For the most part I have been able to customize the layout and forms to that which I need but I have run into an issue I haven't been able to figure or easily find in the administrate docs I am hoping someone can help me with. 

I have a product model which has many variants. Here is the route:

namespace :admin do
    resources :products do
        resources :variants
I have a link on the products/form to manage the variants that links to localhost:3000/admin/products/1/variants. When I click the link I get an error that states  undefined method "admin_variant_path"  for #<actionview::base:0x0000000003c870>. Looking at my routes I do have a route for admin_product_variants.

The link_to on products/form  is this: <%= link_to "Manage Variants", admin_product_variants_path(@product), class: "btn btn-link" %>

Just not sure where administrate is getting the admin_variant_path from. Any help is appreciated!
Christopher Stewart
Actually reading through this bug it sounds like this is the problem.
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