NoMethodError for class:ConnectedAccount [SOLVED]
The application encountered the following error: undefined method `unpack1' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) /home/deploy/.rbenv/versions/2.6.3/lib/ruby/2.6.0/base64.rb:59:in `decode64' /home/deploy/Klippr/releases/20190814030557/app/models/user/connected_account.rb:37:in `<class:ConnectedAccount>'
Trying to set up a simple Jumpstart Pro-based app on and seeing this error when accessing the site. Same app is running fine in dev.
Anyone else seen/solved this?
The line triggering the error is:
attr_encrypted :access_token, key: Base64.decode64(Rails.application.credentials.access_token_encryption_key)
so it seems to be related to missing credentials.
I'm new to the whole Rails credentials thing - my main Rails app is still 3.2.14 and using Figaro for keys, retro 😉 - so I created a production.yml.enc file to see if that fixed the issue. Redeployed but still getting the same error.
I'm new to the whole Rails credentials thing - my main Rails app is still 3.2.14 and using Figaro for keys, retro 😉 - so I created a production.yml.enc file to see if that fixed the issue. Redeployed but still getting the same error.
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