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Omniauth connect Square Account (Not as a sign in user)

Jamie Crone
Im adding square as a provider but I am not using as a sign on so I don't want to go through devise, so I am creating a new model to be attached to Accounts. 

Since its not using the same logic as you would for sign in, I just followed the omniauth and omniauth-square docs and I am getting a route error when posting to  '/auth/square' , and I dont get any information back on my callbacks. Does jumpstart reconfigure my Omniauth so that is causing the issue or am I not doing something right

Created a file config/initializers/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
    provider :square, Rails.application.credentials.square[:application_id],  Rails.application.credentials.square[:application_sercet],
           :connect_site  => Rails.application.credentials.square[:connect_site]

My button is just this 

<%= link_to 'Sync to Square', 'auth/square' , method: :post, class: "btn btn-primary" unless @account.can_receive_square_payments? %>

My routing Error is as follows

image.png 5.65 KB

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