Pagespeed score
I'm pretty close to buying a license but hesitating now after I saw the google pagespeed score for this site:
Its 21 on mobiles. Has anyone else found jumpstart to be slow and what recommendations would you have for speeding it up?
Its 21 on mobiles. Has anyone else found jumpstart to be slow and what recommendations would you have for speeding it up?
Thanks for having a look Chris. Yes, the pagespeed on is now significantly better. 75 on mobiles.
It still seems super hard to get over 90 for mobiles on the pagespeed site. I make real estate websites and some of my clients really want to see their pagespeed go green!!
I'll dig some more to see what can be improved.
I went ahead and purchased a license anyway. Don't need much of the functionality yet but its sure to be worthwhile just for learning about some new approaches to coding.
It still seems super hard to get over 90 for mobiles on the pagespeed site. I make real estate websites and some of my clients really want to see their pagespeed go green!!
I'll dig some more to see what can be improved.
I went ahead and purchased a license anyway. Don't need much of the functionality yet but its sure to be worthwhile just for learning about some new approaches to coding.
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