Rich Text in Rails Administrate Dashboard Not Working
Happy New Year! We are using your template for a project and wanted to add Action Text field to one of my models. I looked at this and it seems straightforward. But I am unable to get things working in the Rails Administrate dashboard. I first tried things by adding body: Field::RichText in the ATTRIBUTE_TYPES object in mymodel_dasbhoard.rb That didn't work. I then added a new field called content to my model, and added that to mymodel_dasbhoard.rb like so content: Field::RichText. In both cases, I am getting a uninitialized constant Administrate::Field::RichText error . Any thoughts on this? Maybe it's not possible or recommended to use Rails Administrate and ActionText together and it's best to create a separate form (like you do here in your forum).
You'll have to share the full stacktrace.
Body should be returning an ActionText::RichText object, not a string. Sounds like maybe you have something misconfigured.
For example, the posts here in the forum use
Body should be returning an ActionText::RichText object, not a string. Sounds like maybe you have something misconfigured.
For example, the posts here in the forum use
has_rich_text :body
and you can see the type:Post.last.body.class #=> #<ActionText::RichText>
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