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Search feature built-in and support for sorting categories through tags!

Guled Ali
Chris Oliver  add elasticsearch into jumpstart that would be nice, also support for filtering through tags
Chris Oliver
Search would be great, although not everyone is going to want to run ElasticSearch since it can be fairly expensive. pg_search may be better for some users who don't want to pay for an ElasticSearch instance, but both have their places.

I'm not really sure how this would work though since search needs to be fine-tuned for each application. You can't quite build a generic search that works for every app, but I'm open to brainstorming ideas.
Guled Ali
But there are other gems that you can query from database like ransack. It would be nice having a basic search functionality into jumpstart like a search component that works out of the box.

Better to have some then to have none
Chris Oliver
Yeah, Ransack is not bad. It doesn't support full text search like pg_search does which is also just querying the database.

I'll work on coming up with something generic that might work similar to how Administrate does it and that probably makes sense to have built-in to the scaffolds by default or something.
Guled Ali
Yeah and autocompletion on search
Guled Ali
Chris Oliver There is a stimulus package that does this autocompleting https://stimawesome.com/packages/stimulus-autocomplete
Daniel Carrion
In the process of building search for my application and just wondering if there was some existing guides / suggestions for this? Seems to be quite a few options. I'll probably go with Ransack but the way it works in administrative seems cool.
Daniel Carrion
Ended up going with Ransack. Super easy :) 
Dan Tappin
I will say that Chris (BTW the user mentions is not working for me here) makes Elasticsearch dead easy on Hatchbox.  I used Ransack before and once you are past the ES learning curve you will never go back.  Then add Datatables 👍
Willard Moore
I think Chris made the right choice. If you guys need a different search engine in your JSP instance, just put in the work. pg_search is probably the best choice he could have made when considering who is using JSP. 
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