Seeing '' host name occasionally on `_url` paths
Hey everyone, not sure if its something I have done but:
I have noticed occasionally (at least in development) that when my page first loads links rendered via a `_url` path helper have their host name as '' ...
eg instead of 'http://localhost:3000/tags/ruby' say, it is '' . When I reload the page the href is correct (localhost)...
So far I have found it very difficult to replicate and can't find "" in the codebase...
I tried setting up
I tried setting up
ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare do ApplicationController.renderer.defaults.merge!( http_host: Rails.env.development? ? "localhost" : "",
But looks like it has not fixed the issue...
I should note these links are is rendered inside a ViewComponent.
Thanks for any pointers/ideas!
Stephen Ierodiaconou
I had a similar issue to this.
To fix it check your
Un-comment the line below that and set your localhost url and then you should be all good!
To fix it check your
file and at the very bottom look for: # You may need to set to include the correct URLs from Turbo, etc
Un-comment the line below that and set your localhost url and then you should be all good!
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