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Send mail error : Net::SMTPAuthenticationError in Devise::PasswordsController#create

I would like to try out the mailing function of the template.  I have changed the settings of sendgrid  conifg/environments/development.rb, and got the error

Net::SMTPAuthenticationError in Devise::PasswordsController#create

535 Authentication failed: Bad username / password

    def check_auth_response(res)

unless res.success?
raise SMTPAuthenticationError, res.message

I am pretty sure the username/password are set correctly,  Any idea? 

I get stuck with this error.  suggestions are very welcomed ?
Brandon B.
NG DAVID give me a day or so and I will be plugging in sendgrid and sparkpost both into a single application and I will let you know if I have the same issue.


Brandon B.
I can't reproduce.
Dan Tappin
Talk about timing - I was struggling with the same issue (sort of).  I am using the API and I get:

Net::SMTPFatalError: 550 Unauthenticated senders not allowed
Dan Tappin
NG DAVID  did you set you credentials?  Did you set up the Sendgrid CNAME's on your domain?
Sorry, my mistake.  I set up the username/password in the credential_generaters file using environment variable ENV... After I set it to the actual password, it is fine now.  

Thanks for all your effort for this.. Thx.     
Bryan Stewart
David, where did you update the credentials? I signed up for sendgrid and put in the api key etc into the credentials

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