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Sending notifcations when mentioned

Joshua LeBlanc
Poking around actiontext, but it's abysmally documented. 

I figure I can just wire up an after_save callback, and look at the mentions to send notifications - However I can't seem to get a list of the mentions.

Has anyone done this, or have any pointers?
Nicholas B
Maybe this part of the documentation can help:
- https://jumpstartrails.com/docs/notifications

What I'm thinking is that maybe everyone mentioned in the comment can also have this method ran on their user.
NewComment.with(comment: @comment).deliver_later(@comment.post.owner)

Also,  Chris Oliver mentioned that he is working on this feature for new jumpstart:
- https://jumpstartrails.com/discussions/175 (before last comment)

and here is a related thread:
- https://jumpstartrails.com/discussions/224
Chris Oliver
You'll have to loop through the ActionText content attachments and filter only the User attachments.

Here's an example with a Post model that has_rich_text :body on it to find all the User's mentioned.

Post.last.body.body.attachments.select{ |a| a.attachable.class == User }

Then you can use that array of users to notify them.
Chris Oliver
I'll probably build a concern so you can add this functionality easily to your models that use ActionText.

Maybe something like this?
include Jumpstart::Mentions
has_mentions :user, rich_text: :body, class: User

# defines a method called "user_mentions" that searches the "body" rich text for User attachments.
def notify
  user_mentions #=> [<User>, <User>]
Chris Oliver
Just added Jumpstart::Mentions as a concern so you can include it in your own models. I'll add docs for it soon, but it's all defined in the repo.

Chris Oliver
Refactored to be more flexible and intuitive. 👍

class Post
  has_rich_text :body
  has_rich_text_mentions :body

@post.body_mentions #=> [User, User]
@post.body_mentions(Photo) #=> [Photo, Photo]

Brandon Brown
Thanks  Chris Oliver , you should really add this helpful info to the docs!

Related question, how can I convert the post body to plain text (to include the mention) so that I can send in a mailer? If i do something like to_plain_text(), it will just strip the mention. Any ideas?
Chris Oliver
Brandon Brown

Made a pull request to fix that: https://github.com/jumpstart-pro/jumpstart-pro/pull/114
Brandon Brown
Excellent, thank you sir!
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