Setting up online courses in your app
Hi wanted to ask how people have gone about this. I know that Chris is using Podia (with Wistia for video hosting - not sure if this is part of the Podia subscription or separate). From what I can see this gives you a branded app hosted by Podia, but the integration between your site and the Podia one (via a nav link) does not appear to be entirely seemless. Alternative is to roll your own course maintenance (with Wistia etc. for actual video and podcast hosting). I am leaning towards the latter.
Podia is a product on its own, so there's no integration. Separate accounts and everything. You'd want to build that yourself. I will probably move the courses onto the platform at some point as well for that reason. I just used it because I wasn't sure if I wanted to do courses in the long-term or not.
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