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[solved] Stack level too depp

After pulling the latest master and manually porting our customised (non jumpstart files), I keep getting "stack level too deep" when running the web server. I also get this error message when I try to run a migration with a "reference" on one column.
Screenshot 2021-01-17 at 09.43.57.png 216 KB

I have finally traced this to the sentry gem - https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-ruby/issues/1266

The solution we found was to change config/initializers/sentry.rb to:

Sentry.init do |config|
  config.dsn = Rails.application.credentials.sentry[:dsn]
  config.before_breadcrumb = lambda do |breacrumb, hint|
    breadcrumb.data = scrubbed_data
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