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StandardRB fail with GIT commit

Colin McGowan
I get this error when trying to commit a fairly fresh project to git.

Running pre-commit hooks
Run StandardRB...........................................[StandardRB] FAILED
bundler: command not found: standardrb
Install missing gem executables with `bundle install`

✗ One or more pre-commit hooks failed

I have fixed one or two of these pre-commits by installing gems into OS X system ruby ( which I really wish didn't exist ) but can't seem to get past this one.

Todd Pinkerton
-- it looks like you have a pre-commit hook (either globally, or in your project) that is running the standardrb command. 

You can either install standardb ("gem install standard" ) , or remove this pre-commit hook in your project by deleting <yourproject_home>/.git/hooks/pre-commit

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