Stripe ENV keys
Hey all!
Getting close to finishing my app and I need your help. Id like to use ENV variables for the stripe config instead of hardcoded in the secrets file.
I tried putting this in the production.rb for environments, but deploy seemed to explode.
Getting close to finishing my app and I need your help. Id like to use ENV variables for the stripe config instead of hardcoded in the secrets file.
I tried putting this in the production.rb for environments, but deploy seemed to explode.
Rails.application.configure do ..... config.stripe.secret_key = ENV['STRIPE_SK'] config.stripe.publishable_key = ENV['STRIPE_PK'] ...
@eager_load=false, @autoload=false, @load_path=false>}>, @cache_classes=true, @log_tags=[:request_id]> /home/deploy/dragon-test/shared/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/railties-7.0.1/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb:96:in `method_missing' /home/deploy/dragon-test/releases/20220401174450/config/environments/production.rb:82:in `block in ' /home/deploy/dragon-test/shared/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/railties-7.0.1/lib/rails/railtie.rb:251:in `instance_eval' /home/deploy/dragon-test/shared/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/railties-7.0.1/lib/rails/railtie.rb:251:in `configure'
Stripe keys are put in the Rails encrypted credentials and automatically setup for you.
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