Tailwind if not purging unused styles
Can you share your tailwind config or your postcss config?
Here is my postcss usually: Note the purge css settings
Here is my postcss usually: Note the purge css settings
let environment = {
plugins: [
autoprefixer: {
flexbox: 'no-2009'
stage: 3
if (process.env.RAILS_ENV === "production" || process.env.RAILS_ENV === "staging") {
// A whitelist of css classes to keep that might not be found in the app
function collectWhitelist() {
return [
'font-serif', 'tab-active', 'transition', 'text-gray-400',
'bg-twitter', 'bg-facebook', 'bg-google_oauth2',
'text-twitter', 'text-facebook', 'text-google_oauth2',
'btn-twitter', 'btn-facebook', 'btn-github', 'btn-google_oauth2'
// whitelist
content: [
defaultExtractor: content => content.match(/[\w-/.:]+(?<!:)/g) || [],
whitelist: collectWhitelist(),
whitelistPatterns: [],
whitelistPatternsChildren: [/trix/, /attachment/, /tribute/, /tippy/, /flatpickr/],
module.exports = environment
And my tailwind looks like the following:
// See the Tailwind default theme values here:
// https://github.com/tailwindcss/tailwindcss/blob/master/stubs/defaultConfig.stub.js
module.exports = {
// Opt-in to TailwindCSS future changes
future: {
defaultLineHeights: true,
purgeLayersByDefault: true,
removeDeprecatedGapUtilities: true,
standardFontWeights: true,
plugins: [
// Uncomment the following if you'd like to use TailwindUI
layout: 'sidebar',
// Purge unused TailwindCSS styles
purge: {
enabled: true,
content: [
// All the default values will be compiled unless they are overridden below
theme: {
// Extend (add to) the default theme in the `extend` key
extend: {
// Create your own at: https://javisperez.github.io/tailwindcolorshades
colors: {
'primary': {
50: '#F6F7FF',
100: '#EDF0FE',
200: '#D2D9FD',
300: '#B6C1FB',
400: '#8093F9',
500: '#4965F6',
600: '#425BDD',
700: '#2C3D94',
800: '#212D6F',
900: '#161E4A',
'secondary': {
50: '#F5FDF9',
100: '#ECFAF4',
200: '#CFF3E3',
300: '#B2ECD2',
400: '#78DDB0',
500: '#3ECF8E',
600: '#38BA80',
700: '#257C55',
800: '#1C5D40',
900: '#133E2B',
'tertiary': {
50: '#F7F7F8',
100: '#EEEEF1',
200: '#D5D5DB',
300: '#BCBCC5',
400: '#898A9A',
500: '#57586E',
600: '#4E4F63',
700: '#343542',
800: '#272832',
900: '#1A1A21',
'danger': {
50: '#FEF8F8',
100: '#FEF2F2',
200: '#FCDEDE',
300: '#FACACA',
400: '#F7A3A3',
500: '#F37B7B',
600: '#DB6F6F',
700: '#924A4A',
800: '#6D3737',
900: '#492525',
"code-400": "#fefcf9",
"code-600": "#3c455b",
// override the default theme using the key directly
fontFamily: {
sans: [
'"Segoe UI"',
'"Helvetica Neue"',
'"Noto Sans"',
'"Apple Color Emoji"',
'"Segoe UI Emoji"',
'"Segoe UI Symbol"',
'"Noto Color Emoji"',
variants: {
borderWidth: ['responsive', 'last', 'hover', 'focus'],
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