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Tip - How to enable a date picker in the template

Dan Tappin
FYI there is date picker in the administrate section of the template.  To add it to the rest of your app add something like this to your main application.js file (code copied from the administrate/components/date_time_picker.js file):

import 'administrate/components/date_time_picker'
import flatpickr from 'flatpickr'

function bindDatePicker() {
  [...document.querySelectorAll('[data-type="date"]')].forEach((time) => {
    flatpickr(time, {
      enableTime: false,
      altInput: true,
      altFormat: 'F j, Y',
      dateFormat: 'Y-m-d' // H:i


Just a suggestion to  Chris Oliver  and add this to the main app not just the admin section.
Thanks a lot!

In addition, you need to change the form tag from <datetime_select> to <datetime_field>

something like this:

<%= form.datetime_field :start_at, class: "form-control" %>
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