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to prevent Dangerous operation detected #strong_migrations in the latest jumpstart pro release

Slim Ben Nasrsallah
in AddTrialPeriodDaysToPlans migration it should be : 
  add_column :plans, :trial_period_days, :integer
  change_column_default :plans, :trial_period_days, 0
Instead of:
add_column :plans, :trial_period_days, :integer, default: 0

John Chambers
👍had the same issue when I upgraded and I edited the migration too
Chris Oliver
Thanks for bringing this up! I actually missed this because it's a safe migration in Postgres 11 it seems according to the gem. 

I'll go ahead and update this so it's safe for older versions of Postgres.
Chris Oliver
Alright, pushed this migration change. Thanks  Slim Ben Nasrsallah  🙏
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