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User has to signup before paying?

Dillon Raphael
It would be better UX if when a user press "Get Started" on the pricing page, it will take them to signup, then straight to payment.
Chris Oliver
Dillon Raphael  You mean linking to sign up rather than login?
Dillon Raphael
Na more like this Chris Oliver  https://dashboard.transistor.fm/signup
Chris Oliver
Dillon Raphael I gotcha.

That's an interesting one. I personally don't like doing that. If a user signs up but doesn't put their credit card in, you at least have their email to contact them and learn more about why they didn't sign up. 

If you combine the two, you lose the user entirely and have no way to keep track of users who were close to trying your product, but didn't complete because of some hesitation. Most startups you'll see use that as an opportunity to talk to those prospective buyers.

That said, you can certainly update the registration to include the plan and payment information. I think you'd need to update the form, and the registration controller to process the subscription, but that shouldn't be too hard.

If I get some time, I'll see if I can make an example, but I don't think I'll make that the default.
Dillon Raphael
Chris Oliver You make a valid point. Just when a user goes to pricing and clicks "Get Started" on a plan, it just redirects to a login page with a notification. This can create friction.

An example would be nice, but I can see why it wouldn't be your default solution.

Maybe something like when a user clicks "Get Started" it takes them to the sign up page. Then after entering in their email, password etc.. it takes them straight to credit card input.

Chris Oliver
Just pushed a commit to redirect so Sign Up instead of sign in when a visitor clicks on a plan on the pricing page.
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