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User reporting - best way to implement

Tim Dowling
As im getting close to launch I'm starting to think about what to build next, and with all business SaaS products, users having the ability to pull reports on the info they've submitted is really important.... and I'm a little lost about what to do.

Displaying the data

Easy bit, tables or graph (or both) Chart kick seems pretty awesome, could make is responsive with stimulus/hotwire.

Querying data

This is where I'm a little confused. If a user wanted to see all "events" at a "site" "between 2 dates" where the "event type" was X and the "employee = John".........what do i do? I know im basically building a search form but is there an easy, dynamic way to look at this without building a specific reports controller for every model in the app? I looked at potentially using searchkick aggregations for this but I'm not convinced it's the best solution.

For extra complexity, i want users to be able to save these report criteria to easily grab them again...which could be done via a json column.

Or am i looking at a reports controller with 'sub controllers' for each type of report and i should look at building something reusable?

Any guidance or insights into how others have solved this problem would be appreciated.
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