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Using Stimulus Controllers in Administrate

Ben Scheirman
I'm trying to use a stimulus controller in a custom Administrate field (to load some data from Stripe).

I currently have it all working as a single <script> tag in my field's _form.html.erb, but I want to move this to a Stimulus controller.

Assuming that Stimulus is not included in administrate's js, I added this to app/javascripts/administrate/index.js:

import { Application } from 'stimulus'
import CourseOfferingsController from './controllers/course_offerings_controller'

const application = Application.start()
application.register('course-offerings', CourseOfferingsController)

console.log("Stimulus registered")
console.log("controllers:", application.controllers)

my controller is stubbed out like this:

import { Controller } from "stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
    static targets = []

    initialize() {
        console.log("stim initialize")

    connect() {
        console.log("stim connect")

    test(e) {

When I load my page I do see the "Stimulus Registered" line, however the controllers array is empty. What am I doing wrong?
Ben Scheirman
Okay false alarm, I can see these logs (when I reference the name of my controller correctly!) but I'm still confused as to why the controllers array was empty above. Perhaps this is only active controllers and not registrations. 
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