What have you done? blogs
When you have built and launched products in the past, did you use a separate blog software ( wordpress, jekyll, etc) to power your blog, or did you build a lightweight blog as well? I was originally thinking of using jekyll to do this, it's simple and static, but I'm also interested in capturing the analytics data that the leads ( not yet a user) and users consume across landing pages/marketing content, blog and product (using blaze and ahoy). That got me thinking about building a lightweight blog and posts, hopefully then using page level caching to get the same snappy response like I'd get with pages from a static sitegenerator.
Another downside of this is effect that takes me away from building the product ( which will hopefully make me $$$)
Any thoughts from the trenches?
Another downside of this is effect that takes me away from building the product ( which will hopefully make me $$$)
Any thoughts from the trenches?
I've done both. GoRails.com/blog is just a simple scaffold and it works fine.
I think the problem is when you get a marketer and they start wanting freedom to change things independently. It helps having them separate so that it doesn't require a developer to update the marketing site (except for Javascript tracking or whatever).
That's the biggest factor I can think of that would sway my decision one way or another. I really like and prefer having them integrated nicely so you can do dynamic things in your marketing pages like using blazer, ahoy, etc.
It just really makes it annoying if you want to add features that could easily have been added with a plugin for Wordpress or whatever.
I think the problem is when you get a marketer and they start wanting freedom to change things independently. It helps having them separate so that it doesn't require a developer to update the marketing site (except for Javascript tracking or whatever).
That's the biggest factor I can think of that would sway my decision one way or another. I really like and prefer having them integrated nicely so you can do dynamic things in your marketing pages like using blazer, ahoy, etc.
It just really makes it annoying if you want to add features that could easily have been added with a plugin for Wordpress or whatever.
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