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What is producing the view comments?

Rob Jonson
views in the source are marked with comments like:
<!-- BEGIN app/views/shared/_notifications.html.erb -->
what setting/gem is doing this? 

it looks like rails_view_annotator, but that doesn't seem to be included...


Jim Jones
The annotations are a new feature in Rails 6.1. 

It's controlled by config.action_view.annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames = true in your development.rb.

Do you find them helpful?
Rob Jonson
Thanks for the response. I didn't know that was a rails feature.
I love the annotations. Particularly with jumpstart where I didn't write the code myself, so I'm figuring my way around.
I'll turn that on everywhere now though!
Jim Jones
Agree, I like them as well.  

I've worked with code bases where there's been nested partials four layers deep (ugh). 

The annotations would have been a lifesaver. 
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